Wednesday 24 February 2021

Free General Studies Notes


Free General Studies Notes

Civil Service India strives to provide you with as much needed study materials to help you prepare for the IAS exam. We try to source out authentic study materials and place on our website for you to make its use. Here we are providing you free General Studies study material for the Civil Service Mains examination.

We hope these notes are useful to you and you can supplement them in your preparation on General Studies. However, please note that many topics covered in the syllabus of General Studies papers may not be uploaded here, so please go through the syllabus first and check the listed reference here. You can make your own notes for the missing topics by going through the reference books listed here.

Paper - III

(Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management)

Paper - IV

(Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude)

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